11 February 2011

Day Three: Challenges and Change

It is amazing the dynamic changes that a disability can bring to a family, to a marriage. One day things are fine, and the next, someone is in a wheelchair facing a life never walking again, or living life with an oxygen tank as a constant companion. There are many life-changing things that can happen that we just cannot prepare for in advance. Sometimes the message is a loud and clear, “Slow down!” Sometimes, the message is a not-so subtle, “You’re going in the wrong direction. Turn around!”

Have you been faced with such a challenge in your life? Did you slow down, turn around, and embrace the new opportunities that the changes brought to you? Or, did you bury yourself in grief over the loss of what would never be again?

3. I am thankful for a husband that still helps me get into our van, even though it has been four months since the tumors were removed.

One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are

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